Strike Force

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Strike Force

Strike Force, is a Multi-player, turn-based,Tile based game, you either play as terrorist or counter-terrorist, the objective of terrorist is to reach the bomb spot in the map,where as the objective of counter-terrorist is to stop them from reaching it,both the parties have different and unique Arsenals to them.

Genre: Multi-player,Turn-based,Tile-based.
Platform: Android.
Engine: Unity 4.5.
Year: 2014.

User can, select his role, and his tag(or name).

User can create or join already hosted game rooms.

Loading Tip Information,provides the basic goals of the map.

Every turn player has two points, which he can spend on either moving or attacking using his Arsenal powers.Both CT and T have four different arsenal powers, which they can use to kill the other party member.

Bomb spot, On reaching here terrorist win the game, main aim of CT and is to stop them from reaching before timer goes down.

One of the Counter-Terrorist's Arsenal, which calls a aircraft to the nuke the area(4x4 Tile), any terrorist in it, will be killed instantly.


The North Remembers.Google